Accessibility declaration

The Institute of Physiotherapy WNZ of the Jagiellonian University Medical College undertakes to ensure the availability of the website in accordance with the Act of April 4, 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.

This accessibility statement applies to the website

Date of website publication: 12/01/2018
Date of the last significant update: 12/01/2018

Status in terms of compliance with the law
The website is partially compliant with the Act of April 4, 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities, due to incompatibilities listed below:

  • some photos and graphics posted on the website do not have an alternative description
  • some video materials do not have audio description and / or subtitles (the topic only applies to some pages of the unit)
  • no mechanism to bypass blocks of repeated content on multiple websites.
  • there is no reference to the content of the page in the title and header of the page
  • the website does not have a search engine
  • some parts of the page may have snippets of content in a language other than that specified for the page, which are not programmatically tagged.

Date of the Declaration and method of assessing digital accessibility:
This statement was made on 2020-10-26
First publication of the declaration: 2020-10-26.

The declaration was made on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by the public entity.

Keyboard Shortcuts
Standard browser keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website.

Mobile applications
The unit does not have a mobile application.

Feedback and contact details:
In case of problems with the availability of the website, please contact us.

The contact person is Bartłomiej Bąk
e-mail address:
phone: 12 634 33 97

The same contact can be used to request digitally unavailable information and to file complaints about digital non-availability.

Information on the procedure
Everyone has the right to request that the digital accessibility of the website, mobile application or any of their elements be ensured. You can also request information to be made available using an alternative means of access, for example by reading a digitally unavailable document, describing the content of the video without audio description, etc.
The request should contain the data of the person submitting the request, an indication of which website or mobile application it is meant and the method of contact. If the requesting person reports the need to receive information by means of an alternative method of access, he should also specify a convenient way of presenting this information.
The public entity should fulfill the request immediately, not later than within 7 days from the date of the request. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, the public entity shall immediately inform the person submitting the request about it when it will be possible to fulfill the request, and this deadline may not be longer than 2 months from the date of submitting the request. If digital accessibility is not possible, the public entity may propose an alternative way of accessing the information.
In the event that the public entity refuses to comply with the request to ensure the availability or an alternative method of access to information, the person submitting the request may submit a complaint regarding the provision of digital accessibility of the website or website element. After exhausting the above-mentioned procedure, you can also submit an application to the Ombudsman.

Architectural accessibility
Teaching Facilities Complex of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University Medical College – ul. Michałowskiego 12

Building surroundings
The building is entered into the municipal register of monuments.
Located close to the central part of the city of Krakow.
There are tram and bus stops near the building.
The facility is located in the A2 parking area.

Accessibility to the building entrance
The main entrance to the building of the Jagiellonian University – Collegium Medicum is located from 5 Kochanowskiego Street.
The entrance door to the building is a heavy door.
The entrance is not wheelchair accessible.

Access to information
The information point is both the concierge desk and the board with the list of rooms, located in the entrance hall of the building.

Horizontal and vertical communication inside the building
There are horizontal barriers in the communication space in the building in the form of thresholds, steps and doors.
Horizontal communication routes may be too narrow for people in wheelchairs.
No elevators, lifts or ramps.

Information on the right to enter with an assistance dog and any justified restrictions
You can enter the building with an assistance dog.

Hygienic and sanitary rooms
There is no communal toilet in the building, adapted for the disabled.

The escape route is marked in a legible and understandable way with information signs.
Functional workers are trained to provide people with special needs the opportunity to evacuate or otherwise rescue them.